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Monday, February 8, 2016

Getting to know you: 8 Facts about Amy!

Since I have some new readers to Amy’s Avenue Blog I thought that I would do a quick “8 Facts About Amy” post!

Beautiful red blooming flower in a yard

1.     I am a completely disorganized organized person! Confused yet? My clothes/laundry are just never put away. I try, I really do. It is just not a huge priority to me. However, at work and with my daily planner I am always working a color coded system and I am super organized. Just don’t worry about my “floordrobe” (or the backseat of my car for that matter!).

2.      When I was 15 I found out that I have a sister who is 9yrs older than me. Michelle immediately took me in and we have been very close ever since. Not only did SHE take me in, her wonderful mother, my step mother Robin also took me in and has loved me as her own ever since.

3.      I do not like seafood, at all! It grosses me out. I also have a hard time eating meat products. I do eat chicken once in a while and maybe once a month I will have ground beef. I have never once had a steak (Except for a disgusting bite here or there). I could go months and months without meat and I would be perfect content!

4.      I am not at all a fancy girl. I own 10 pairs of shoes and 1/2 of those are flip flops. I have only gotten high heels in the last few 18 months with my new job. However I come to work in boots or slippers and I take the heels off as soon as I possibly can after work. The most expensive pair of jeans that I own were maybe $70.00! Most of my of my other pairs are $19.99- $24.99 from Old Navy. I just can’t bring myself to purchase expensive clothing! This also goes with purses! My most expensive one is maybe 30 dollars, and I PONDERED over the cost! I would rather take 100 dollars and purchase 10 things for 10 dollars each, than get 1 thing at 100 dollars. However, I will spend any amount of money on sheets. I absolutely love sheets. My current favorites are 800 thread count and I just adore them!

5.      My top favorite shows of all time (in order) are 1. Lost, 2. Breaking Bad, 3. Private Practice, 4. The Office and 5. Greys Anatomy

6.      I have lived in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Wyoming. The last 6 places I lived was within an 8 year period. My ex-husband was in the military so we moved… a LOT! I am back in Pennsylvania now and I am loving it! My favorite place that I lived besides PA was Wyoming. I thought I would hate it there, but the views were just breathtaking! I would love to eventually live in Colorado/Wyoming again.

7.      Due to a family history of alcoholism and my own struggles in the past, I made the decision to not consume any alcohol. On February 13, 2016 I will have 18 months without anything to drink – something I am very proud of.

8.      Since college I have worked in Human Resources and I was a stay at home mom for 5.5 years. My passion though is counseling and working in the world of addiction/recovery. I currently do volunteer work for a local rehab facility and I hope to gain my certification in Addiction Counseling in the very near future.

So that is just a little bit about me! I would love to hear more about my readers. Comment below and tell me an interesting fact about yourself! 

Free stock photo of petals, white, flower, daisy

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

"And she's back in the game"

Welcome to the new Amy’s Avenue Blog! 

I took a blogging hiatus for about 18 months when a huge change of life happened for me. For a while I was not quite sure how to address what was new and happening in my life. For a long time I felt like I had failed at the life that I had. Only now, through 18 months of prayer and reflection, do I see that the life that I had was not the life that I wanted. On the outside it looked pretty perfect. However, I was not being true to myself and true to the woman that God intended for me to be. 

When we mold ourselves into someone that we are not we may look fine from the outside. However, we have to deal with the consequences of not being true to ourselves. For me, one of those consequences was a divorce. While the end of my marriage was in no way entirely my fault, I do take ownership for my role. I do not plan to go in to a lot of great detail about this, but it has shaped the woman that I am today. 

One huge thing that has changed for me in the last 18 months is gratitude. I did not have proper gratitude in my life. I choose to take a victim mentality a lot of the time which is a very sad place to be. I did not take gratitude in the things that I had, but only chose to be upset about my difficult childhood and circumstances that were not making me happy. Without gratitude, there is no joy. 

Today, I can honestly say that I am grateful for the struggles in my life. A year ago I do not think I could have said that. The hard times have only made me stronger and have made me a better person. I know that I am a work in progress, but as long as I keep doing the next right thing, all will be well. 

I plan to share some of my more difficult moments on this blog, in time, with the hopes that they can help others. I believe that God gives each experiences to build us and grow us stronger; so that we may use those tolls one day for the greater good. Today, I can honestly say I have gratitude in that! 

Friday, August 14, 2015

365 +1

It has been over a year since I last posted here. Over a year since my life changed in every way imaginable. Over a year since God told me enough was enough and I had to completely surrender to Him and His will for my life.

Over the next few weeks I will attempt to share more about these changes, where life has taken me now, and how much God has blessed me despite difficult circumstances.

Today, on day 366 of my journey to a new Amy, I can say that I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Life is not exactly what I expected it to be at this point. I am not necessarily where I want it to be. But I know that I am where God wants me to be. I may not see the big picture, but I know that HE does. For that, I am grateful!

this verse has gotten me through some really difficult times in the past year! 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week 2 in photos- August 3- August 6 (partial week)

Ok so the title of this post is a little misleading! But as I was doing this post the photos from especially Friday the 8th got to be VERY VERY overwhelming. So instead of doing photos for the whole week, I am going to break this week up into two different posts. Plus- I am working on this on Sunday the 10th  but I need to wait to get some photos back from my in-laws because they are currently with the boys camping!

Sunday August 3, 2014

These photos were actually from a project Owen did YESTERDAY at Home Depot. But he just got it all dry and the stickers finished so the photos happened today. He made this adorable pencil case and he is super proud of himself! 

Owen actually decided to give this to Pop-Pop for his basement which is so sweet! 

Owen and Grey both got the cutest smocks for the project! 

I  just snuck in and watched both of my boys sleep for a few minutes. I am just amazed at how much I truly love them. I am so incredibly thankful for both of them and I know how blessed I am to have them in my life!

Grey has really started sleeping with A LOT of animals/ babies and blankets! 

Owen sleeping with "Joey", Baby Bear and Piper Dog

August 4, 2014

Grey being silly in a laundry basket

I got to do my niece Evie's hair this morning! Super fun for a "boy mom"! 

Oh how I have missed Philadelphia Pizza!!! 

My boys love Philly pizza too!!! This is Daddy's favorite kind- Sicilian! 

August 5, 2014 

Greyson + ice cream! 

Helping Pop-Pop do some work on the bathroom 

Owen took this nice picture of me this morning 

Family Shot 

Owen and I doing our nightly devotions! 

August 6, 2014

Someone is beginning to really potty train!!!! 

Milkshakes with MomMom! 

Grey got his first bee sting!!! You can see his right chin/cheek is swollen! 

Uncle Nate with Grey and cousin Mila! 

I had the pleasure of having dinner with some old work friends from when I was a preschool teacher (2003-2005!) It was a super fun reunion!

This is my friend Doni and me! 

With Traci and Susan! 
It was a very nice (half) week! I am having a great time here in PA and I know the boys are too!!!!